Today I enter my kingdom of joy, into my inheritance of happiness.
I know that every good purpose which I entertain is already accomplished.
I know that every constructive demand
or request I make upon the universe is already granted.
I know that I am governed by Divine Law.
I know that I am inspired by Divine Intelligence and guided by Divine Reason.
I identify myself with abundance, health and happiness.
I associate myself with the vast all.
I identify myself with everything necessary to make my life complete.
There is no depression, no fear, no sense of lack, insecurity or unworthiness.
I believe that God is All-in-All, over all, in everything that I shall ever meet.
I am filled with peace and confidence.
I expect every thing I do to prosper.
I enthusiastically expect success.
I let good flow into my experience.
I am seeing good in every direction I look.
I am looking forward to more good.
I am entering into a deeper understanding of life.
I am recognizing my union with all people and all events.